Easter Egg Hunt

Littleville Fairgrounds 15 Kinnebrook Rd., Chester, MA, United States

The Littleville Fair, the Chester Hill Association, and the Chester Recreation Committee will co-host their annual EASTER EGG HUNT Sunday,  April 13, 2025  @  1 pm Please join us on Sunday, April 13, 2025 for the Littleville Fair, the Chester Hill Association, and the Chester Recreation Committee EASTER EGG HUNT at the Littleville Fairgrounds. The Hunt will

Littleville Fair Pancake Breakfast

Littleville Fairgrounds 15 Kinnebrook Rd., Chester, MA, United States

Sunday, April 27, 2025 ::   7 AM – 1PM @ The Fairgrounds, 15 Kinnebrook Rd, Chester, MA Save the date and plan to join us for the Annual Littleville Fair Pancake Breakfast &  Chester Hill’s Springfeld! You won’t get a better breakfast at a better price—and by eating a good, hearty breakfast, you will also help